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OSTP Announces Sustainable Materials AI Aspiration-Updated!

On June 13th, the Office of Science and Technology announced the AI Aspirations. This link now includes videos of the day's presentations, which can also be found collected here . This call to action is highly synergistic with the spirit and technical thrusts of the MGI. The MGI community is particularly aligned with the Sustainable Materials Aspiration , calling for new generations of high-performance materials for semiconductors that alleviate concerning environmental and health problems.

The 2021 Materials Genome Initiative Strategic Plan

As the Materials Genome Initiative marks its first decade, the 2021 strategic plan identifies three goals to expand the impact of the initiative over the coming five years:

A schematic of the MGI paradigm

  1. Unify the Materials Innovation Infrastructure (MII), a framework of integrated advanced modeling, computational and experimental tools, and quantitative data
  2. Harness the power of materials data
  3. Educate, train, and connect the materials research and development workforce

Achieving these goals is essential to our country’s competitiveness in the 21st century and will help to ensure that the United States maintains global leadership of emerging materials technologies in critical sectors including health, defense, and energy.

Learn more from this summary of the new MGI Strategic Plan, or get the full document